Unfurling began life as a podcast, but is evolving.
Drawing on our work to-date, running nature- and climate-based online and outdoor group workshops together, we are developing offerings for individuals, groups, communities and organisations. These include group experiences, speaking, and writing.
Our offerings aim to nurture the relationship our clients and listeners have with the natural world, and to bring the inspiration and information that comes from that relationship into their own context. We do this so our clients and listeners can take a step back, see possibilities, make thoughtful decisions, take meaningful action, or simply experience the wonder of the natural world.
Please sign up to our mailing list to be kept informed, and if you’d like to explore working with us in a more bespoke way, please get in touch.
Here are some testimonials about our offerings to-date:
“I enjoyed the relaxed vibe of the session and how you both facilitated it. I felt safe and not judged and that it didn't matter where I was on my own exploration of climate change issues. It felt well thought out and the tag team approach was lovely hearing two different viewpoints.”
“Thank you for the planning and consideration that has gone into this event - great space and energy!”
“Very well facilitated and put together… [I took away] extremely helpful and simple frameworks.”
“[I took away] clarity on how I can bring my strengths to bear around climate change in addition to what I'm doing already as an individual.”
“A really excellent experience that prompted us to draw on and use the infinite possibilities that surround, renew and inspire us when we allow ourselves to connect with nature. I highly recommend it!”